In fact, what we have targeted are the major industrial installations of Europe. That's power, that's steel, that's ceramics, that's pulp and paper, and so on, and that includes chemical crackers--not the refined chemical applications, because we have lots of small companies, but really, the major industrial installations.
Now, we had a problem with them. We knew them. We had a permit for traditional pollutants, but we didn't know exactly what the greenhouse gas emissions of these plants were. So we asked every single plant to make a report, themselves, and to have that report verified by an independent verifier, very much like we see in the financial markets with accounting procedures, where a financial report is made and that financial report is verified by a third party. That has helped us to create, in less than one year, a coherent database that is very transparent and is available on the Internet and can be looked at by everybody. It has created a lot of transparency about the emissions of every single plant.
Even stronger than that, I have been told that because of the emissions trading market, and because of a price now being attached to carbon, the attention of every single CEO has been raised about what is happening in terms of greenhouse gas emissions in his own plant. So it's a very simple way of making accounts and speaking the language of the CEO and those making economic decisions.
Thank you.