In terms of the alternatives, when we look at fossil fuel and at what we know about coal-burning plants and so forth, we are hugely challenged. We're also challenged by wind power. Some of the studies coming out of Alberta talk about the inefficiency of wind power and it's not in fact necessarily the answer for the future.
When this committee deliberates in terms of the forms of alternative energy, we have a couple of things. Nuclear is something that we definitely have to look at. Obviously the disposal of nuclear fuels is a real challenge, but on the other hand, we also have to look at our economy.
It's a tough one. If you're trying to corner us into saying, are we supportive of it, are we pro-nuclear power development, I would hazard to say that unless we can find some other alternatives at this point that are going to be better for the environment—air pollution, especially—we have a huge challenge before us.