Yes, in terms of going forward, I'm ready to bring a witness list tomorrow. I haven't provided the committee with a witness list because we hadn't met, so I thought I would wait.
I'm not sure if we're going to get all of it through tomorrow. I'd prefer that we actually take a bit of time. I can see getting a witness list ready for next week so that we hit the ground running on Monday, and I'm perfectly fine with that. I'm amenable to whatever witnesses come first, but I would actually prefer to take a bit of time, and I think Monday would probably be better for us.
But if we circulate the list amongst each other, we probably have many similar names, and we might be able to come forward and talk about grouping them. Because what I'm worried about is bouncing all over the place. We might focus this committee better if we could sit down and say, “Let's take the two hours needed”.
Once we've all seen each other's lists, we can talk about them. We can ask each other questions. We can say, okay, are these going to be necessarily on fair dealing? We'll start to put people into that general group. Are they generally going to be on digital locks? Are they going to be just generalists? That's fine. I don't have a problem with that. But I think if we have people who are going to be specific on issues, we might want to try to get a committee scheduled.
I think that might take a little bit more than just being able to pull that off tomorrow, because I have my witness list, but nobody else has seen it, and I haven't seen yours. I'd say let's take the time between Wednesday and Monday to do that, and then I think we're ready to start getting down to business.