Thank you.
We don't have a subcommittee, as far as I'm aware. Or do we have a subcommittee? Because I would suggest that.... We have agreed to meet, so I'm ready to meet, but I understand that our colleagues are surprised that we're going to meet, and it's a problem.
I think we need to start building some trust here. I think one of my concerns would be trying to blow through a witness list before we're ready, but if we can start the discussion and start talking about how we're going to do next week so that we aren't lost.... If we meet Monday, that's my only concern. If we meet Monday and start doing our witness lists then, we're going to be really lost on Wednesday. If we could have even a partial meeting tomorrow, just to ask what we need to do and on Wednesday start getting some of this stuff done.... Otherwise, it's going to take us a while to get out of the gate.