Thank you.
I support moving the opening round of statements down from 10 minutes, because we'll be asking for specifics at that point. I'm not comfortable with having five witnesses in a round of an hour and a half. Looking at our schedule blocks here, I think it's going to be difficult.
I don't know what other people think, but I'm looking at two one-hour rounds with three witnesses. I'm worried about having five witnesses. At a certain point in the committee, we might start to move to five witnesses once we've laid out a lot of the issues. A number of artists who have similar messages might want to speak on the same day, so maybe we can move to five at that point.
I've sat on many committees where we've had five witnesses, and there's always one witness who might have something really important to say but doesn't end up getting asked any questions. Having three will allow us to make sure that we've gone through it. I suggest having three witnesses with five-minute opening statements, with a seven-minute first round of questions, in two one-hour blocks.