Thank you.
I think it going to be very important, if we're going to continue to move forward, that we speak to each other with the recognition that we all take this very seriously. If in the first 40 minutes we are going to be accusing each other of being irresponsible and going on vacation, to me that is not very helpful.
I think what we're dealing with here us that we've waited five years for this legislation. We've talked to many, many, many groups. And we are going to do this right.
If they want to use their time to accuse us of trying to obstruct, they can, but I think it will end up with us putting on the record what we're hearing from artists' groups and what we're hearing from consumers, and then they can, and then we end up wasting a lot of time.
So if we go back to the original issue, which is our witness list and our times, I would suggest that I'm amenable to having three witnesses at a time. I see two blocks per week. I'm not willing to shut down the heritage committee, because there are other studies being undertaken at the same time. We can do this. It will take the time that's necessary.
It's not up to me to decide when the government is going to pull the plug and call an election; it's up to them. So if they have copyright and they want to get it through, then we'll get copyright through, but this might take us a number of months. If it does, it will be a well-deserved bill. But if they think they're going to get this done with a rubber stamp, I don't see that happening. So I'd say, let's look at the realities here and let's just move on.