I'd like to speak to the amendment a bit. With what Mr. Lake has put forward, while it's an intensive work schedule, it behooves the committee to approach the bill in this way. Whenever legislative committees are struck, they're struck so that a bill can be focused on, worked through, and done in an expedient manner. It's an open process. We can work on the legislation. We're prepared to look at the bill and we're prepared to listen to witnesses. Ultimately, we want to report this bill back to the House so that we can get it passed.
As I said, there is an imperative on us from beyond these walls, beyond this place, to update Canada's copyright legislation, and from many different perspectives of many different people. It is so important that we get this done. This has been ongoing for more than a decade.
I would like to see the members of this committee take a serious approach to working through this, listening to the witnesses, and getting this bill reported back to the House. I think that's the responsible thing to do. I am very happy to clear my schedule to make sure that happens. I'd like to see that kind of commitment from all sides. In doing so, there's no reason why that's not working together, why that's not being responsible, and why that's not taking the time to contemplate the bill. I think we've all contemplated it for some time. As I said, there isn't too much untilled soil on this issue.
I think we should look at this compressed schedule that Mr. Lake has put forward. It's very intensive, but I think it demonstrates sincerity, importance, and priority that all parties are placing on updating Canada's copyright.