You have all received in your package of information a list entitled “Potential Participants (Wish to appear)”.
In this list, you will see that there are approximately 35 or so groups that have contacted the clerk's office to request that they appear. This is up to the committee for its consideration, no more and no less.
In terms of “Questioning of witnesses”, the only thing I would highlight for the committee is to keep in mind that if there are one-hour panels and 10 minutes for presentations, we can simply do the math to account for how many rounds of questions there would be.
The other thing I would highlight is that in the routine motion you have before you, “Questioning of witnesses”, it does say on the first line “That, at the discretion of the chair, witnesses be given then (10) minutes...”. So if the committee wanted to have more witnesses for one meeting, as opposed to fewer, the committee may be willing to let the chair have the discretion to judge whether or not witnesses should have five, seven, or ten minutes depending on the weight of the panel.