Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
And thank you to the witnesses for appearing today.
Frankly, it's a contrasting testimony to what we had the other day. It's somewhat refreshing.
With respect to the numbers, Mr. Kerr-Wilson, I'm not surprised you're not familiar with some of the numbers that are being thrown around today. For future committee hearings, I'm going to have the chair bring in the big wheel off the Wheel of Fortune. We'll just spin it, and whenever it stops, we'll suggest that that could possibly be a number that might be impacted by the bill, because I have no idea where these numbers are coming from. Even when we asked folks to quantify it, it was very difficult for them to actually quantify where the numbers came from. So I'm assuming it's a big wheel that you spin.
Anyhow, Mr. Beatty, you made a fantastic comment when you said “Let's not let the perfect be the enemy of the good.” I can't agree more. Based on the consultations that we've had across the country, we've met with members, frankly, of the Chamber of Commerce, big and small. There was a comment made the other day that this bill seeks to protect big copyright holders but does nothing for small copyright holders, does nothing for small business. In fact, we get bogged down a lot talking about artists on this committee, but what we're really talking about is creators—creators of all different forms of intellectual property. Some of it is music, some of it is art, some of it is photographs, in fact, which are now protected in this bill. Some of it is software that's created--gaming software, software for computers and business. These are all the types of things that are protected in this bill--creators big and small. It's a good bill.
I've seen your amendments, by the way. They are largely technical amendments that involve making sure that the intent of the bill and the actual function of the bill, in law, is in line. I think I would describe them largely as technical amendments that you're suggesting.
So if we're not going to let the perfect be the enemy of the good, you and your association, I'm assuming, must be here representing big and small and creators of all forms. Is that accurate?