The question I heard is that our members don't receive payments directly, and I'm assuming you're talking about on the levy side. No, the remuneration for most below the line...a crew, which are the members we represent, is paid on a hourly basis for hours worked. We don't have additional payment schemes that flow from the sale or exhibition of a product.
That's why, quite frankly, this isn't our issue. We haven't really commented under those facts, and as we see here again today, the focus of a lot of the debate has been on this one element, which I understand from my friends is a very serious and very important element. It's not to me.
The overall well-being of the industry is. It's my members' jobs that are being impacted. I heard $130 million as a number. That's a serious number. It's also the cost of one motion picture that's being shot in Montreal right now. It's that type of impact on the industry. It's the industry that's suffering and it's jobs that are suffering.