Mr. Waddell, it's interesting, because I'm a fan of music, movies, and television, and you actually, in your comments, kind of make me feel guilty. I like to think of myself as a customer or a client of the folks you represent, yet you come here and you hammer me over the head because I might want to actually take a song that I purchased and listen to it on my iPod. I just don't get that.
My wife has an iPhone, so she buys a song directly. She hears it on the radio, says she wants that song and she wants to buy it, and she spends her $1.29 to buy the song directly from her iPhone. You're saying, hey, that's not good enough, and you want a piece of the iPhone that she's going to listen to it on. I don't understand that.
By the way, the $75 comes from a Copyright Board proposal, just to clarify the record here. It's not a number that was made up. It was actually a Copyright Board proposal.
But how do you justify that? I don't get it.