Good afternoon and welcome.
Let's set aside the technical and legislative considerations related to artists resale right, for the moment. If we look at the issue from a more human and logical perspective, it does not seem all that unusual for individuals who have created something to be compensated when their work is resold, if only a small return on the selling price. I know of a number of paintings that have been sold at extremely high prices without the artists receiving a dime, even when they and their families were very poor. All the while, their works were being sold at auctions, where people were concerned about who the highest bidder would be.
I understand your concerns, but the system appears to be working in 59 countries. I do not believe their markets collapsed. It will be a challenge for you, but I do not think the market will collapse, as a result.
I would like to hear your response to their statement that, in European countries or certain ones, the top 10% of visual artists received 80% of the income. If we include this measure in the bill, are we helping the already rich and famous? Could the measure benefit a lot more people than that?