Thanks for the invitation.
Copibec is a copyright collective society representing over 25,000 Quebec authors and publishers. It administers the rights of reproduction on paper and digital reproduction of newspapers, books and magazines, including the artistic works that they contain. Bill C-32 calls into question each of the fundamental principles underlying copyright.
By introducing approximately 40 new exceptions, it takes away the exclusive right of authors to decide for themselves whether or not they will authorize the use of their works. It also strips creators and other copyright owners of compensation that they already receive, as in the case of use for the purposes of examinations or distance education. These exceptions jeopardize substantial revenues by introducing fair dealing for education purposes—a vague and unnecessary concept. They compromise the development of new markets or existing markets, such as the reproduction of a work to display it for educational purposes or training, the production of non-commercial user-generated content, or reproduction for private purposes. What will be left of the fundamental principles which underlie copyright if authors are denied the right to dispose of their works as they see fit and to receive compensation? All that is left is the right to put digital locks on their works.
That solution does not suit the copyright owners represented by Copibec. Why? Because it is impossible to put a digital lock on a 200-page book or on the hard copy of a magazine. Furthermore, copyright owners have generally decided to provide digital books without locks to better meet consumer needs by fostering interoperable formats. Quebec publishers prefer to incorporate a watermark into the digital version of a book to allow traceability in cases of infringement. However, this is not a solution that copyright owners represented by Copibec consider acceptable, particularly because the largest users of literary works are institutional users or individuals, who almost always make copies for non commercial purposes. Bill C-32 provides for pre-determined damages ranging from $100 to $5,000 for these purposes, which is clearly less than it costs to institute court proceedings.
The bill attacks another fundamental principle of copyright: collective administration. By eliminating or jeopardizing the payment of large amounts to creators, the bill weakens copyright collectives, which withhold a percentage of the royalties collected to carry on their operations. And yet copyright collectives are an essential link in the chain, when it comes to copyright administration. That is what the legislation acknowledges in its definition of “commercially available”, which is found in section 2 and includes both purchasing a work on the market and obtaining a work through a license granted by the copyright collective. It is odd that Bill C-32 eliminates all references to collective administration in every case where mention is made of commercially available work.
If access to copyrighted works is guaranteed, why propose so many exceptions? On the contrary, use of exceptions must be sparing and carefully thought out, because they always involve an expropriation of rights. That is why the international community adopted strict rules in that area under the Berne Convention, signed by Canada in 1928, which have been since been included in many different treaties, including the well known WIPO treaties.
It is therefore surprising to see that the three-step test was not even considered during the drafting of Bill C-32. That test provides that exceptions must be limited to special cases that do not conflict with the normal exploitation of the work and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the author.
The proposal to broaden fair use to add education will jeopardize the collection of more than $10 million in Quebec. It will certainly cause unreasonable prejudice to copyright owners and probably breaches Canada's international commitments. That is certainly the view of a number of stakeholders, including the International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers, the International Publishers Association and the Quebec Bar, to name only a few.
Teachers will also have to cope with the vague wording of this provision, which will only be defined over time, through long and costly court proceedings. This provision is unnecessary, because access to copyrighted works is already guaranteed through the licenses administered by copyright collectives across Canada.
Last December, Ms. Line Beauchamp, the Quebec Minister of Education, Recreation and Sport expressed her disagreement with the education exception proposed in Bill C-32. Very recently, the Quebec Federation of School Boards, an important representative of users, as well as all the primary and secondary French language schools in Quebec, also expressed its opposition to Bill C-32. I am going to give that organization the last word. Here is how it stated its position:
The adoption of this change would not only adversely affect the right of authors to allow or disallow the use of their work, but also adversely affect their right to fair compensation. We understand that the government wants to facilitate access to copyright-protected works, but we believe that access to a copyrighted work must occur in a context where the author's rights are respected. Accepting the principle that access to copyrighted works is synonymous with offering them free of charge would negate the importance of authors' contribution to our children's education, and weaken the school publishing sector. Moreover, the concept of fair use for education purposes is imprecise and would not allow educational institutions to apply clear rules to copyright administration, something that current agreements with copyright collectives now enable them to do.
Thank you.