I can tell you, Mr. Del Mastro, that as far as Quebec publishers are concerned, locks are not a solution. First of all, it is impossible to lock works published in hard copy. As for digital works, they have decided instead to use watermarks because they wanted a consumer-friendly solution that would make it possible to move from one platform to another. So, if you buy a book on the Kindle platform, you can also read it on another platform. Publishers wanted to respond to that consumer demand.
I don't agree with you that the Canadian legislation is consistent with our international obligations. And I am not the only one to be saying that. A number of people have testified to that effect in front of this committee. I am thinking of Ysolde Gendreau, Georges Azzaria, the Quebec Bar and a number of international associations. That is a lot of people who believe that this bill is not consistent with Canada's international obligations.