I'm interested in this issue of defining authorship. I come out of the music business, and long before I came into the business there were nightmare stories that Creedence Clearwater Revival and Ray Charles and everybody used to get ripped off by the publisher. The publisher would take all the rights.
So the rights were defined. There are mechanical rights and performers' rights, but within the ownership of the song itself, every dollar is divided up into two 50% parts. If one 50% share belongs to the author, it cannot be taken away; the publisher cannot take that share. The publisher can take the publisher's share, or part of the publisher's share, and it could be divided up 20 different ways, including among authors, if there are several authors. It's very defined.
Is the question here something that is an industry problem, or is it a legislative problem? How is it that this hasn't been clearly defined in your industry in the way it has been settled in the music industry for 30 years?