Mr. Moore referred to six requests submitted during the seminar at which we were consulted. That was in August 2009. At the time, we delivered a brief, evidence, to Mr. Moore. That evidence included nine requests. I'm going to read the list. However, I can tell you that only one request was accepted. As for the others, one was half-accepted and the other seven were rejected.
The requests were as follows: private copying; a system extended to include the audiovisual sector; exclusive rights granted by WIPO with transitional measures: exclusive rights would be granted, but not transitional measures; performances included in cinematographic works—as I said earlier, this is not the case in Bill C-32; a moral right—this appears in Bill C-32, but it states that an artist may waive it, which means that something is being given with one hand and taken away with the other; the impossibility of assigning uses that are not already provided by the act—Bill C-32 makes no reference to this; with regard to revenues over $1.25 million, we asked that both writer composers and performers have the right to the same thing—and that does not appear in Bill C-32; and lastly, with regard to the responsibilities of Internet service providers, we ask that there at least be a "notice and withdrawal" system. However, everything in Bill C-32 is a "notice and notice" system, that is to say that an artist is given the opportunity to say that a person is downloading music illegally and to request that a notice be sent to that person.