I would like to tell you what happens at Rogers. We can actually track the number of notices that go to an individual household. What we can't track is how many Sony notices went to a particular household. In terms of the actual processing and sending on of a notice, we do have, at a very high level, those numbers.
Let me put it in perspective for you. On a Rogers customer base of, for argument's sake, 1.5 million Internet customers, about 5% of that customer base will receive a notice. As I said, in 2010 we processed 207,000 notices.
If I go down the pipe to the next level, of that group, of that 5% of our customer base getting a notice, which is in the area of about 70,000 customers, the next number of households to get a second notice will be somewhere in the area of, I don't know, 20,000 notices. So about a third of those who got the first notice will actually get a second notice.
As I get to the third level, I'm down a third again.
So as I go down the list, the number of notices drops in accordance with the times the notices are received.
In our view, the notice and notice routine is effective at discouraging those people who are alleged to have infringed--only alleged to have infringed--from infringing again. We think it does put the fear of God into them and it is effective in doing that.
That's based on the information that we are able to track.