Absolutely. We're moving in that direction. It's mind-boggling to see how far we've come in such a short amount of time with regard to technology and what the classroom looks like. We have five-year-olds who come to school now who know more about computers than I did when I first started teaching. Mind you, I have taken many courses to bring myself up to speed.
It's part of who we are now in our society. Technology and the changes in technology are part of who we are, because what we're using today could be very much different five years from now, because, as you know, each and every year there is something new that comes on board. The education system has to be right at the cutting edge of that, because we need to make sure that our children are comfortable and that we're using it. If we don't use the technology properly in our schools and our universities, there is going to be a disconnect with the general society. We have to be responsible, therefore, with technology. We have to be right there on the cutting edge with anything new.