But that is what is going to allow people to create new hybrid works that they can boast about. We know how the web works. A lot of people do this more for the glory than for the money. And if you connect this to other clauses in the bill, it's clear that, ultimately, the artists are the ones who lose out. The bill contains 17 new exceptions, which means 17 sources of lost rights for creators of artistic content.
I have some other items to address with you. I would like to talk about education. The exemption for education purposes is difficult to accept. It will take $40 million away from artists, rights holders and copyright owners all across Canada. It represents $11 million in Quebec alone. The current system is working very well. We know that the annual budget for the education sector in Canada, in educational institutions as we know them, is $72 billion. So, $40 million is not a large amount of money in comparison. And yet, it would guarantee that creators receive royalties for the use of their work in educational institutions.
I'd like to ask you to explain your rationale for including this new exception, which comes totally out of the blue, in my opinion. Under that exception, the educational sector will now be an open bar in terms of copyright. Education stakeholders will be able to use whatever play, music CD, or book they feel like, and they will be able to make photocopies and distribute them. The fact is there will be no fees for the educational sector. Between you and me, this is not a very good lesson to be giving our children in terms of raising their awareness raising and instilling respect for copyright.
I really wonder how you can possibly justify requiring creators to provide their works free of charge to the educational sector. Their contribution is absolutely critical. It's part of education. I'm talking about artistic works, but I imagine that this also applies to scientific works. Teachers, principals, janitors, suppliers of computers, pencils, desks and so on all receive compensation and are paid.