Thank you very much.
I just want to follow up on what one of my colleagues asked earlier, whether or not the digital lock provisions trump education rights. You were very clear that they do.
I am surprised that the government has taken this position, given our international obligations, particularly under the WIPO treaties. If you look at article 10 of the WIPO treaty, it is very clear that limitations, such as technological protection measures, may be supported, as long as they “do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work”.
In fact, WIPO, the Berne Convention, and the WCT treaty have defined the rights that exist within the non-digital world as rights that continue on. And technological protection measures are not rights within themselves, but are enforcement measures for rights.
So have you decided that we would do this as a made-in-Canada solution, that the rights for technological protection measures would override the rights citizens would otherwise have?