As you know, we don't address, at all, the issue of the private copying levy, and it's not, frankly, for a lack of sympathy for the stresses that a lot of artists are facing right now in the new digital age. But with regard to this legislation, I think we're trying to stop the theft, stop the piracy, and stop the bleeding that's happening with all of Canada's creative industries.
There seems to be this locked-in focus, not by you, but to be honest, a lot of the media coverage about copyright is as though this is just about music. It's not. We're talking about authors, libraries, and education, as you mentioned. We're talking about the video game industry, the software industry, and television. We're talking about a million jobs in the Canadian economy.
The impact of this is vast in scope. The issue of the private copying levy...while I understand it is important, I would hope that if you look at what is in the bill--and some are critical of what's not in this bill--it is good for everybody.
We purposely left out the idea of modernizing the private copying levy, as did the previous Bill C-61. To be honest, with all the proposals that came forward, none of them seemed practical or workable. We thought none of them struck the right balance between what's in the best interest of consumers and the best interest of creators.
I think when we're transitioning now to streaming audio online, and things like Pandora--