I'm moving on now to page 5.
This bill helps those who create content to protect their works. If you want to write down the clause number, clause 18, it provides new provisions to target online enablers.
At clause 47, there is the “notice and notice” regime to ensure ISPs will help curb piracy by requiring them to notify subscribers when copyright owners detect infringing activities.
As well, it recognizes the interests of consumers and Canadians more broadly. For instance, clause 22 provides for user-generated content as well as time shifting, format shifting, and backup copies.
There are as well new measures for the perceptually disabled, at clauses 36 and 37.
Canadians must also not face unreasonable penalties for minor infringements of copyright through amendments provided for at clause 46.
And parody and satire for fair dealing are being proposed at clause 21.