Thank you.
I will turn now to the Department of Canadian Heritage. Earlier this week, on Tuesday precisely, in Kitchener-Waterloo, the Greater Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber of Commerce held an information session on copyright and the importance of IPR . One of their presenters was Loreena McKennitt--of course, a famous Canadian musician.
I'd like to get your thoughts and your reactions to this. I'm going to quote from the Waterloo Region Record, from a story published in yesterday's edition. It reads:
McKennitt strongly believes Canada needs the new Copyright Modernization Act....
She goes on to say that:
“...the business model of the music industry is no longer predictable and therefore does not have the robust structure it needs for the continued investment of resources, expertise and talent into the future,”....
The article goes on further to say:
The music industry is much more than just the big record companies, she said. The business ecosystem her record label deals with includes recording studios, acoustic engineers, technicians, graphic artists, photographers, CD manufacturers, printers, publishers, travel agents, music equipment companies, caterers, merchandisers, local media advertising outlets...and many others.
While those people struggle, free file-sharing sites make money from stolen music because they are selling advertising to big companies on those sites....
Could you elaborate and comment on that?