Pardon me, Mr. Chairman, but I don't agree with my colleague Mr. Del Mastro.
When artists, writers or authors write to us to ask to appear, they want to be heard as individuals. They aren't required to be represented by their union representatives. If they want to come and talk to us and tell us very specific things in the five minutes allotted to them, the least we can do is listen to them.
For example, I saw that Yann Martel's name was on the list. I can't wait to hear what he has to say. I don't know who represents him or what association he belongs to, but his representatives will no doubt make a general presentation. Yann Martel will have something in particular to present to us. He's an author who absolutely should be listened to. His thoughts are intelligent and interesting.
The least we could do would be to listen to people, not just organizations, directly affected by the bill.