Thank you.
I'm looking through the list, and it seems like a lot of names, but certainly there are many stakeholders.
I would put our trust in the hands of our very talented clerk to actually go through these. I'm looking at some individuals who are listed as writers, and I think a number of individuals would come as writers. Perhaps there will be a day when we hear from the writers, which would make that go in a more coherent fashion, as opposed to hearing from three telecoms and a writer.
I had put in a number of requests for individual artists, some of whom are interested in a private copying levy. Perhaps on that day we could have three or four of them together so that we're at least grouping people together based on general themes. It's not that they're all going to be speaking from the same hymn book at the same time, but there'd be a more coherent pattern to our process.
As for the first set of witnesses, I don't really have a problem with who we have. I think it's a question of availability and readiness. I know that whether it's Mr. Geist or the University of Ottawa's digital law program, whether it's Professor de Beer or David Fewer, there's a whole team right there. I'm sure they're ready to come over on a moment's notice. That would probably be easy. If Mr. Sookman is ready, I don't have a problem with that. What we need to do is get an initial meeting under way, and then let's break these witnesses down, and if we have individual problems with how the clerk is coming forward with the plan, we can deal with them then.