Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'll talk with myself and come back with a name for the steering committee when I'm feeling more comfortable than I am right now.
I think we should probably consider using the steering committee at certain points. If it can't be done Thursday, we could probably get through some issues that we just can't seem to get through right now, getting our feet wet in this deluge that we're going to be going into.
I do think we need to take the time to do the planning right. Otherwise, we're going to trip up further down the road. If the analysts need the time, by Monday or whatever, to come back with the witness list and the themes, to me that is key for us, to actually start to get through this.
If we can start to break it down by themes and discuss among ourselves some of the.... There are going to be three or four major themes, three or four more contentious themes that we're going to need to deal with. There are a number of more subtle issues that can be grouped together. But if we can develop a plan based on addressing those, addressing what comes out of the witness list, we're actually going to then start to make some ground.
I'm open to doing that in a steering committee meeting or in a general meeting. If we're ready Monday, I'm ready Monday. If they want to hold off Monday until they've got more time, then I'd say let's just pick some more witnesses. We'll start meeting and then come back, and give us a time when it's good for us to sit down and make a plan to get through this.