Thank you very much, Mr. Cardin.
With respect to the terminology, I can actually see both sides of that question. When somebody buys a BlackBerry or an iPod at Future Shop or wherever, an amount is added. Is it a tax? It has an attribute of having an extra amount.
Looking at it from the creator's side, they're looking to be paid a royalty, so there are two sides to it: on the one hand, an amount is added; on the other hand, an amount would go to the creator.
In terms of the levy, I assume you're asking me this question in my personal capacity. My own view is that setting a good marketplace framework is the best approach to this. I don't believe a levy would solve the file-sharing problem. A levy may play a part, but it's certainly not the answer. The answer is good marketplace rules whereby creators can have innovative business models and hope to be able to innovate.