I would like to come back to the levies proper. A poll published in January 2010 said that 71% of Canadians are of the opinion that the present 29¢ levy on blank CDs is fair for consumers, whereas 71% of Canadians argue that the levies on MP3 players and iPods should be of $10 to $20. We know that thousands of songs can be copied through these devices.
The conservatives clearly call these things "taxes", but we prefer to call them "levies", which are in fact compensation for the artist for his or her work.
What is your position with regard to levies that could be required of the owners of MP3 players and iPods? If we enforce a $10 to $20 levy, as was suggested in the poll, given that we are talking thousands of songs, it would not be much, considering also the price of these devices. What do you think of levies that could be applied to MP3 players and iPods?