I'm going to come back to the exemptions later, if I have the time.
With regard to the three-step test, the third particularly states: "no unreasonable prejudice to the legitimate interests of the authors" or copyright owners. Does that mean that the three elements that are not contained in Bill C-32 and that force artists to lose enormous annual revenues constitute undue hardship?
The first of the three steps is the non-modernization of private copying. This is an advantage, which artists currently have, that will cause them to lose $13.8 million a year. Then there is the education exemption, which will cause them to lose $40 million a year. There is another one, which we have not discussed today, and that is the exemption granted to broadcasters from paying fees for transitory copying: that's $21 million a year. In all, artists will lose $74 million a year as a result of this bill. Does that mean that this constitutes undue prejudice to authors' legitimate interests?