Perhaps I could add something. There are two things I would add.
There are other provisions in the act that may go against the grain of international conventions, not just the ones dealing with exceptions. Proposed section 30.04, on works made available on the Internet, or publicly available material, as they're also known, is reliant, in part, on the existence of a notice that would be put by the copyright owner to prevent copying. This raises serious issues concerning the Berne requirement that copyright does not depend on the existence of formalities.
There's also something that is very puzzling in that we have expanded here the exceptions for persons with perceptual deficiencies, something that is, of course, a very laudable purpose. There is already an exception for this purpose. However, right now, you may know that there is an international treaty being discussed. It's a bit ironic that we should be doing something about this issue before there's actually a treaty in place. So that would be quite different.
Overall, I think I would simply say that the 21st century is supposed to be a century that is based on the knowledge economy. Copyright, as an intellectual property right, protects a form of knowledge. Therefore, it is important to recognize the protection of what is being created by creators and promoted by copyright owners if we are to be an important player in this knowledge economy, with the manufacturing sector in decline in our countries.
Thank you.