I have certainly heard about the need to maintain it so we don't get into a situation where a company, once it's established, would certainly want to squash competition. That's the nature of business. Our job, as legislators, is to make sure that provisions aren't used unfairly.
I'm interested in terms of our obligations internationally with technological protection measures. On June 10, 2010, the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights released a study, a questionnaire, of 31 member states, 19 of which stated that they do have technological protection measures, with exemptions recognized. Some of the exemptions are more modest, some of them are a bit broader, but those exemptions are guaranteed in terms of what was existing in law.
Canada would be very much in place, within its WIPO obligations, according to article 10, if we allowed the technological protection measures but recognized that there were limitations in terms of protecting exemptions.
Would you support that?