To what extent can that be considered unreasonable? At some point, it seems appropriate to assume that copyright or intellectual property… A product is created by someone and everyone has the right to be paid for what he or she does. If that remuneration does not come in the form of royalties, how will it be paid? And, is it unreasonable? This is something that could be negotiated. Copyright royalties have to be paid.
With respect to entertainment software, I understand your position. You work in the software industry. Everything is going digital and, technically, everything goes through you. Your role is to innovate. We know that there is ongoing innovation in that industry. You are well positioned to control the intellectual property associated with your own products and to protect it. You are also well positioned to apply it to other products, and it could be done. Would it be possible to simply impose a tax, as the Conservatives call it? We call it royalties. Taxes scare everyone. Taxes are collected by the government to meet the needs of the population; in this case, we're talking about royalties.
In terms of innovation and technical advancement, it is possible to control just about everything. Would it be possible to control the use of all digital audio players? If not, should a direct royalty be applied?