No, absolutely not. I can certainly speak from 30 years of experience in schools that it was never encouraged to copy an entire work, a whole book. As I said before, you wouldn't have the copy budget--the Xerox budget, as we used to call it--in the school. You wouldn't have the time to do it, either.
I can give you an example of how this would be used. Let's say a teacher has one copy of a children's book. Usually you would not have a whole class set of the same children's book; you would have a multiple array of books in the classroom for the children to read at different levels and such. So if the teacher was reading one of those books to the class, which very much still occurs in school, the teacher would, for example, read the book, show the nice, pretty pictures that go along with the book, and maybe copy one page out of that book and say, “Now we're going to work with this passage, and I want you to draw what you see here”, or something along that line.
Certainly I can absolutely understand where Mr. Brown is coming from. We are in no way encouraging teachers to copy entire books.