That's where we and our members stand. We are well aware that the well has been poisoned by the label attached to the current system. The logical thing would be to apply this concept to other media. If it is impossible to agree on this solution, I think it will be necessary to find another one so that people are not losing income. Collectives and all small creators will become weaker. They could become famous one day, but they always start in their backyard or their garage. These people won't have the chance to penetrate the market. The others, artists making a bit of money here and there, will not have the chance to grow either.
So we are jeopardizing our creativity. Frankly, I think that it would almost be better to pass this bill. We don't want to hinder the passage of this bill, since it works well for many people who need it. We have no objection to that. In our view, they are also people from the cultural industry. That's why we support them. At the same time, we should not create “collateral damage”; we have to find a special system. There is a degree of urgency in passing the bill. If you are not able to make the amendments I have just described, then pass it for the sake of those who will benefit from it, but make the commitment today to meet again next year, not in five years.