In terms of the provisions in this bill to go after commercial infringement, do you believe that it's sufficient? Again, going back to personal use, we have seen in the United States, which is very litigious, that it has very much poisoned the waters in terms of going after statutory damages. We have seen all kinds of people dragged in with their lawsuits.
Of the latest 100,000, most of those are people who just get a bill saying pay us $5,000 or we will sue you for $1 million. You don't have the power to stand up to Sony when they send that bill.
There is nervousness that we are going to see that. I agree with you that we are not a litigious culture. But how do we make sure that we have enough ammunition to shut down widespread commercial infringement without overstepping the bounds...? Again, the kids who actually love Degrassi and want to post it don't think they're doing anything wrong.