I'd like to say on behalf of the Liberal caucus how pleased we are that we are voting in favour of Bill C-35, and that finally it was moved by the government at second reading so that we could debate it in the House. I think all of the opposition parties collaborated very well with the government in order to ensure that it was moved into committee very quickly.
In committee we collaborated to ensure that we heard just enough witnesses to assure ourselves that the reversal of the burden of proof was constitutional, that it was a standing practice that already existed on the ground, and that this would simply be codifying an existing practice. We're looking forward to seeing this move just as quickly back into the House, to debate it quickly at third reading, and to see it adopted quickly.
This is a bill that the Liberals, through our leader, the Honourable Stéphane Dion, officially offered the government to fast-track, and the government did not take up our offer. We were pleased that when the government did finally decide to actually move the bill at second reading, because of the cooperation of the opposition parties, we were able to see it move quickly through the House through all stages, and we hope that will continue at the report stage and at third reading. We hope the government will not let it sit on the order paper, once it has been reported back to the House, for days and days and then turn around and blame the opposition and say that we are blocking their legislation, as they have done with other pieces of legislation.
Thank you.