I really just have a few rapid-fire questions on clarification.
You started out by saying you can't give us statistics on who's on bail. I understand that you can figure out who was convicted of robbery and so on, these offences. I understand that. The second last slide tells us that you can tell us how many people, or what people, are in certain types of custody, sentence custody or non-sentence custody. Why can't you tell us the purple line? In the French translation it's a different colour. I didn't know that colours translated differently. But I like the French translation because there's more red in it. I just thought I'd put that down.
Seriously, you can tell us how many people are on remand or other detention. I understand that it could be people on “24-hour sleeping it off” charges; people under section 4, at least in New Brunswick, mental instability and that sort of thing. But for the vast majority of that lower line of remand, does it not have to be people in remand awaiting trial who didn't get bail? There might be a bunch of people who haven't had their bail hearing yet. The law says you have to have your bail hearing pretty quickly, so most of these people have been denied bail—isn't that right?—if they asked for it, and everybody asks for it.