Thank you for inviting me to appear before you.
I'm obviously aware of the fact that this bill has received wide support from various political parties and individual politicians at various levels of government. Notwithstanding this support, I'd urge you, in your decision about this bill, to think about the message that you're giving Canadians about the operation of the justice system.
Over the past 25 years or so, I have carried out research on, among other things, the public's understanding of the criminal justice system. My concern about this bill has less to do with its direct effect on the operation of the criminal justice system than it does with the clearly incorrect messages that it gives Canadians about the relationship between crime and the criminal law, and the false pictures it paints of the operation of the criminal justice system.
The first message you are communicating is simple. You are telling the Canadian public that by making a few changes in one of the 849 sections of the Criminal Code, Canadians will be safer from firearms-related offences. I wish it were this easy. I wish that by making these changes in the Criminal Code, gang, gun, and drug crime would be reduced and that you would be contributing to protecting Canadians. Unfortunately, it isn't that simple. But the message emanating form Parliament with this bill is that by toughening up on bail, you will have a measurable impact on the rate of serious crime with firearms. It won't.
I say this for a number of reasons. Our data in Canada on the operation of the bail courts are rather impoverished, but from the Ontario data that I have seen, serious cases of violence involving firearms are already almost invariably going to court for a bail hearing, and fewer than one-third of all non-trivial violent cases result in the accused being released prior to trial.
I have not seen data that deals specifically with violent offences involving firearms. It's very reasonable to assume that the release on bail rate for these cases would be even lower than the overall release rate for serious violent offences. If fewer than a third of all non-trivial violent cases result in a person being released, what effect should we expect a reverse onus provision would have on some of the most serious cases involving firearms?
The only data that I am aware of on the actual impact of reverse onus situations in Canada relate to a quite different type of judicial decision. In the mid-1990s the Young Offenders Act was changed such that, in certain cases, a youth would be presumptively transferred to adult court. We tracked the number of transfers to adult court for these offences during this period, and the changes in the law had no effect.
The studies that I am aware of on the operation of bail courts suggest that most releases from bail courts are with the consent of the Crown, and they're not the result of contested bail hearings. This is another reason one would not expect Bill C-35 to have a real effect on the operation of the bail courts. Crowns are not now likely to consent to the release of people accused of serious crimes involving firearms. Changing the law will therefore not change anything in terms of who is on the street.
Said differently, although you may tell your constituents that Bill C-35 will make them safer, I can assure you this is very unlikely to be the case. If you want to make your constituents safer, you would best spend your time looking at something else.
The problem is that solutions to the crime problem are not going to be as easy as making a few changes to one section of the Criminal Code. The evidence that has been repeatedly cited in support of this bill is interesting, largely because it does not address the relevant issue. We are told that in Toronto nearly 40% of crime involving firearms in 2006 was committed by someone who was on bail, parole, temporary absence, or probation. That may be an interesting statistic, and from my perspective it isn't terribly surprising.
The question one might ask of this statistic, however, is this. How many of these almost 40% were committed by people who had been released on bail for a firearms offence that would be captured by Bill C-35 and for whom the reverse onus might have made a difference? Though obviously available from the data used in that study, those who cite this study in the context of this bill do not provide more appropriate information.
More importantly, what we would like to know is that of all of those charged with firearms offences covered by Bill C-35, how many are released on bail, and of those who are released on bail, what proportion commits serious offences while on pretrial release? That's an answerable question by those who have the data.
It should be remembered that logically this is not a bill designed to reduce firearms offences; it is a bill that deals only with bail hearings for those who have already been charged, according to the police, with committing an offence involving a firearm. The firearms offence would have already taken place.
As best we can tell, offenders who are apprehended for serious violent offences, particularly those charged with offences with firearms, are increasingly held for bail and detained. Some lawyers, the one who appeared before you immediately before me, as an example, have publicly expressed the view that in many parts of Canada—Toronto would be a good example of this—release on bail has effectively already become a reverse onus for almost all cases. In reality, the accused must present an argument as to why he or she should be released and must also develop a plan to demonstrate that he or she will appear in court and commit no further offences.
So my concern is not that you are going to fill provincial prisons with additional remand prisoners. My concern, as I've already said, is that you're giving two incorrect messages about the criminal law and the criminal justice system. The first incorrect message is that Parliament, by adding another reverse onus provision to our bail laws, will protect us from crime. The second related concern is that you're giving a message that our bail courts are generally prone to release people who are likely to commit serious offences and that we need to restrict our bail laws in order to make ourselves safe.
Let me give you a picture of what our bail decisions really look like.
In this slide, I've plotted the overall rate of provincial imprisonment for Canada and its two largest components: those sentenced and the pretrial remand population. This slide and the next three give a picture of the people who are in provincial institutions on an average night in each of the years that is pictured. The number of people in custody is provided as a rate in order to take into account the population increase that has occurred in Canada.
The picture that you see from this graph is easy to describe. First, you see that the overall imprisonment in provincial institutions is fairly stable over this period, starting from the late 1970s and going up to about 2003. Second, you see an increase in imprisonment rates for those on pretrial remand--more than doubling--such that in the latter part of this graph there are just about as many in prison serving their sentences as being punished before being found guilty.
That's the picture for Canada as a whole. When we look at Ontario, we see the same pattern, except it's more extreme.
In Ontario, you see the natural consequences of tough decisions on bail. On an average night, Ontario has twice as many people being punished before being found guilty as being punished as a result of a sentence handed down by a judge. You may be thinking that this is the result of guns, gangs, drugs, domestic violence cases, and other violent things that males do. And certainly you would get support from looking at this slide, which shows the same information, but only for the male offenders.
But when we look at the pattern for women, we see something that might be surprising. We see more or less the same pattern. So if you were thinking about drugs, gangs, guns, and so on in the previous slide, it seems unlikely that the increased tough decisions made about bail would have created the effect for women that we have now, which is that twice as many women are serving their sentences before being found guilty as are serving their sentences after being found guilty, in Ontario's prisons.
Unfortunately, I was not able to find national data that broke down the imprisonment rates for men and women separately. I cannot comment, therefore, on whether the national rate for women looks the same as the rate for Ontario does.
Few of us really believe that the increase in pretrial detention for women is due to these serious crimes. What we're seeing is what's happening to a group of accused people who are not likely to be firearms-wielding offenders.
The picture tells you about the operation of our bail courts more generally. If women are being locked up at higher and higher rates, do we really believe that people who commit serious offences with firearms are being dealt with leniently? What relevance does this have for your consideration of Bill C-35?
I would suggest that one of the messages you are giving when you support Bill C-35 is that the criminal justice system is lenient in the manner in which it treats those who are arrested and brought by the police to court. We know that in Ontario, in recent years, more and more people are being brought before a court for a bail hearing. The police are reluctant to release people on the street who are at the police station. Not only are more people being brought to court, justices of the peace in Ontario are reluctant to release those accused of crimes. It's no wonder, then, that our pretrial remand population is increasing.
I know there has been a fair amount of concern expressed on other parts of these graphs, in particular the reduction in the size of the sentenced population. The most likely reason for this is obvious, as you heard from the previous witnesses. Judges are required to take into account the amount of time people have served when they hand down their sentences.
Taking into account the amount of time served in pretrial detention is an inexact science, as you already heard. When we hear stories about people preferring to serve “dead time” rather than sentence time so that they can be released on time served, it assumes that sentences are almost perfectly predictable. They are not, although they obviously become more predictable when there's a joint submission from the Crown and defence.
It is said that many accused prefer to serve their sentences before trial because they get a two-for-one credit for time served in pretrial detention. But I think the two-for-one credit for time served is often misunderstood. We have to remember what a sentence of imprisonment means. An offender in a provincial institution will almost certainly not serve more than two-thirds of his or her sentence. If the sentence is a reasonably long one, the offender will likely be eligible for parole or for temporary absence passes. The result is that they're likely to serve between one-third and two-thirds of their sentences.
Let's imagine that the proper sentence for an inmate is 100 days. The inmate might be expected to serve anywhere from 33 to 67 days. Let's assume they'd get the midway between these extremes of 50 days. If the inmate instead served 50 days in pretrial remand and got a two-for-one credit, it works out to be exactly the 100-day sentence he or she would be expected to get. In other words, two days of credit toward the sentence for each day served is a fair trade-off in the way our system works. Nevertheless, it's typically talked about as if it were a deep discount, but it isn't.
I'm not a big fan of our parole or discretionary release system as it currently exists. Twenty years ago I was part of a commission that recommended discretionary parole, as we know it, should be abolished. But two-for-one credit, as it currently operates, does not seem wildly out of line for an individual prisoner.
But if you think it doesn't matter whether or not people serve their sentences before or after they're found guilty, I disagree with you for two reasons.
First, such approaches distort the meaning of sentences. When ordinary people hear that an offender was sentenced to time served or got a short-sounding sentence because of a two-for-one discount on the sentence, they understandably have no way of evaluating what this means. It would appear that the offender got a light sentence, when he or she may have in fact served exactly the same time as if there had been no time in pretrial detention.
Second, as most correction authorities will tell you, the term “dead time” for those in pretrial detention describes quite well the usefulness of this time in terms of rehabilitation programs. Pretrial detention prisoners, at least in Ontario, are not normally eligible for correctional programming for a very simple reason. No one knows how long these prisoners will actually be in custody. Therefore, no one knows whether or not they will have an opportunity to finish any programming they start.
Bill C-35, then, contributes to many of the problems perceived and otherwise that we have in the justice system generally, particularly with bail. As I've said, I don't think it will result in appreciably more pretrial detention prisoners of the type covered by this bill. They already seem very likely to be detained. But the bill contributes to the perception that bail needs fixing and that in detaining more people before they're found guilty, we will contribute to public safety. I would suggest this bill reinforces a false perception of the justice system.
Finally, I'd like to remind you of the times that we live in with respect to crime. In the past 10 years or so, we've seen an overall decrease in crime. I've given you the figures for both Canada and Ontario. Although crime has apparently decreased, the operation of our bail courts has become tougher. We see the same pattern when we look at violent crime.
Of course, I am aware of the fact that the Prime Minister noted there were increases in 2005 in four categories of violent crime: homicides, attempted murder, robbery, and serious assaults. He failed to note, of course, that there were year-over-year decreases in robberies with firearms, the most serious sexual assaults, and various other categories of crime. But whether or not you're talking about robbery rates or robbery with firearms rates, year-over-year changes tell us little about crime trends.
I would suggest this is a time when we need to seriously think about how to reduce our levels of crime. If crime rates were increasing, it would be harder to have a reasonable discussion about how to invest to reduce crime. But with crime rates essentially stable or perhaps decreasing, we should be able to take advantage of the situation to carefully consider how best to make Canadians safer.
Unfortunately, I see no evidence of thoughtful discussion on this issue. Thus, given that the causes of crime are largely outside the criminal justice system, I would like to end by returning to the point I made earlier.
Changes in the criminal justice system of the kind you're considering will not affect crime. If we were interested in doing something about crime, we would investigate seriously where we might best invest our resources. We might ask, for example, whether resources would be best invested in public health, the police, schools, or our communities. These are not easy choices, but we have to make these choices. This bill does not encourage us to think about the choices that you and other levels of government need to make. Saying that we're going to do both, toughening the justice system and investing in communities, is inadequate if the focus is almost exclusively on the first.
Again, I realize that most of you favour this bill. In that context, therefore, my wish is only that you would cease making false promises to Canadians about its impact on safety. Crime is a serious problem that needs serious attention.
Thank you very much.