Mr. Ménard, I think your question was why I'm challenging the crime rate. I'm not. What I'm using is slightly different; that's non-traffic, overall Criminal Code. But in 1962--and I know Mr. Doob has the chart for this one--the violent crime rate was 221 per 100,000 population. It peaked in 1992 at 1,084, and it has now levelled off to 943.
What I take from that is that we had an extraordinary increase from 1962 to 1992, and we've had a levelling off and a slight decrease of probably 12% to 15% over the last 13 years. That's the little bit of good news from this.
The bad news, I think, is that we live in an entirely different place from where we did in 1962. So there's a little bit of positive, but overall, significantly negative in terms of violent crime. When it gets back to the 1962 levels and the Leave it to Beaver days, which will be well over the time that I pass from this earth, if indeed it ever happens, then I won't be coming here anymore.
I don't quarrel or argue with the violent crime rate at all. It's horrendous.