Thank you, Chair.
Thank you, Ms. Schurman, for your presentation and for some of the information you've provided us.
What I'm taking from a lot of what you've explained to us is that rather than possibly putting a reverse onus for certain offences, and in this case Bill C-35 targets offences involving the use of a firearm, for instance, it might be more appropriate to look at subsection 515(10), and look at the possibility of maybe strengthening that. The strengthening may codify existing practices, but we don't have the statistics on that.
Right now, if we look at paragraph 515(10)(c), where it gives some of the conditions under which the judge, in determining whether or not this detention is necessary, the apparent strength of the prosecutor's case, the gravity of the offence--obviously if we're talking about offences where there's violence, where there's the use of any kind of weapon, that would obviously be part of it--the circumstances surrounding the commission of the offence...I would say instead of including whether a firearm is used, include whether a weapon was used. That weapon could be a blunt instrument. Getting hit over the head with a baseball bat can be just as a violent and just as repugnant as being hit by somebody's fist, or being threatened with a knife or a machete or a firearm.
Then if we look at subparagraph (iv), where it says “the fact that the accused”, and this is added on, and I think we wouldn't have a problem with that, the fact that the accused is liable on conviction for a potentially lengthy term of imprisonment.... I think judges probably already look at that, and if they don't, they should, but I don't think there would be any harm, and it might actually be beneficial, to have it codified.
As well, there is the fact that if on conviction the offence may, under the Criminal Code, lead to a minimum mandatory sentence. That may be a factor that the judge should be looking at in determining whether or not detention is necessary.
If the government concentrated on that section, it might actually result in safer communities and safer Canadians, simply on that one little slice that we're looking at, because it is piecemeal. But on that issue of detention, whether or not judges should be releasing or not releasing individuals who are accused of certain criminal offences, using those factors....