I think you have to start with your relations with the Chinese security authorities. You have to make it clear to them that you will not tolerate any existing interference with the rights of Canadian citizens in their own country, and that you will cause consequences if they refuse to relent. I think you also have to make it more obvious to people of Chinese descent, and others who are being coerced quietly in Canada by Chinese officialdom, that they have to make known to you, as well as to members of the executive branch of your government, what's going on.
A very critical area is universities. We have had in the United States, including at my own university, examples where the Chinese consulate is very actively in touch with certain students from China in putting on certain events and trying to suppress other events, and trying to restrict people from speaking out to challenge their own country's policies.
I think you have to make greater efforts at home, starting with Chinese officialdom.