I'll be brief.
I would say that the Chinese Communist Party shows signs of both fragility and resilience. It is very difficult to predict going forward whether it will continue to strengthen itself. I think Xi Jinping has put so many resources and so much energy into strengthening the rule of the party and the role of the party in China that I don't think we are going to see it collapse any time soon.
But it is noteworthy that, if you take the case of COVID-19 and the reaction of the people, there's a lot of concern and opposition and a sense of frustration in China about the party's inability to deliver good governance. When Dr. Li Wenliang died early on.... Basically, he had been muzzled when he tried to make public the nature of the threat. That's just one example of where people are very frustrated. Could this boil over in ways we don't predict? That's possible, but I don't see collapse of the party any time soon.