Not necessarily the phase one trade deal, not in the way that Bonnie just mentioned in the agricultural domain, but I think that some of the successes that came out of phase one with respect to intellectual property rights protection and no forced technology transfer will benefit Canada. That benefits all OECD countries.
There are some positives in the phase one deal of which Canada is a beneficiary, but the real essence of the trade negotiation between the United States and China was not really addressed in the phase one deal. It's all about systemic structural reforms in the Chinese economy. Those were all kicked down the road for a phase two negotiation, which at least here in Washington there's not much expectation for, at least during this administration.
I would say that in getting towards phase two, whether in this or the next administration, it has to be pursued multilaterally with Canada, other OECD countries and G7 members together, because we all share the same interest in opening the Chinese economy, a level playing field and getting China to play by international and particularly WTO rules.