Yes, the Communist Party is a declared atheist party, but it claims to have the authority to recognize reincarnate lamas. We saw the Dalai Lama jokingly say that if they are very serious about reincarnation, then they must first find the reincarnation of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping, the great Chinese Communist Party leaders. Then once they have developed some expertise and credibility, only then can they talk about the reincarnation of Tibetan lamas. I think it's bizarre for them to claim to have authority on spiritual matters.
Yes, I think that Tibet has been the first victim. The blueprint that they used in Tibet is being used everywhere. Having travelled to the African continent, Latin America, Europe and elsewhere, I know that elite co-optation is the classic case, where they co-opt the elite and influence various leaders to support the Chinese version of the narrative as well as Chinese government policies.
As far as the colonization of Tibet is concerned, with regard to natural resources, such as gold, copper, borax and uranium, the Chinese government has declared that Tibet has around 123 different kinds of minerals, billions and billions of dollars' worth, and all of these are being exploited by Chinese companies, in tandem with Chinese officials, purely for profit. For example, I think that 70% of the lithium in China comes from Tibet, and we all use Chinese products that have lithium batteries.
Why are Chinese products so cheap? It is because they do not pay anything to the Tibetan farmers and nomads from where they extract all the lithium. When the extraction is very complicated, they use a lot of chemicals. They pollute our soil. They pollute our air and water, but they extract it for free. They put it in Chinese gadgets and sell it.
Similarly, 90% of rare earths at one time came from Inner Mongolia or Outer Mongolia. However, they don't pay anything to the Mongolians, but they extract it and use it in Chinese products. Obviously, colonization and exploitation of natural resources is taking place.
Tibetans in Nepal are in a very serious situation. Since 1990, any Tibetan who was born and brought up in Nepal does not even get a birth certificate. They don't have a residency card. They don't have travel documents, so a lot of Tibetans are forced to leave Nepal and go to Canada, Europe and other places. Under Chinese government pressure, Tibetans in Nepal even today are living in very, very tough conditions. You can clearly see that the Chinese government influence is not just restricted to Tibetans inside Tibet. Even Tibetans in exile in Nepal are under tremendous pressure. This is the situation of Tibetans in Nepal.