Thank you once again for your question.
I think the foreign minister has also talked about it, and they have considered it, and they have not said that it is impossible. For me, a continual dialogue with them is crucial, and I hope this could be done in the future for the second or third round of the Magnitsky act sanctions.
For me it is important that we work together, not only on the sanction mechanism.... For example, if all the liberal democracies decide to act in this way, when we have a trade agreement with China, then it is impossible for China to have leeway to try to mingle and to do business with one and not the other to circumvent this kind of united effort by all of the liberal democracies.
The problem is that you don't have a concrete mechanism, just as Ms. Gui said. The leaders could sit together and work out a plan to hold China accountable. For me the problem is not what policies we could follow, but the intention and the mechanism that all these countries could work together.