I think that it's an important and serious attempt to try to get to the very issue you are mentioning. There is so much stuff coming over. We did a hearing a number of years ago on Chinese seafood, and we learned the realities of how much product comes in through our ports and how few people we have tracking it. All of those issues are part of the solution too.
I absolutely support the Uyghur forced labor prevention act. The fact that it had such a huge margin of support in the vote demonstrates the serious concern that people have about what is going on with the Uighurs. It would be useful for all of us to figure out a way to do it.
That said, I have to be realistic about the implementation of something. Again, with the seafood, we learned that when things were turned away from one port, the cargo simply went to another port. We need to make sure of all that. Of course, there's nothing stopping companies from changing their labelling, so I think some of it has to be about recognizing what products are being produced and really focusing on those products.