The RCMP does not necessarily have the resources and expertise required when it comes to the various influence- and harassment-based activities China engages in. Bear in mind that suppressing dissent, especially controlling what is said outside the country, is of capital importance to the Chinese central government—hence the efforts by agents at the United Front Work Department to penetrate and infiltrate the organizations you mentioned.
Since we're talking about infiltration, you may be interested in a Global News report by journalist Sam Cooper. It's an excellent piece in which he reveals the extent to which the Chinese government used diplomatic channels and agents that had infiltrated diaspora associations, before the global pandemic was declared, to acquire 2.5 billion pieces of protective equipment around the world and send them back to China in preparation for the pandemic. That was well before we knew we would be confronted with a pandemic. That gives you a sense of the long reach China has successfully built over the years and its great capacity to mobilize its diaspora.