Mr. Li, my colleagues have raised the fact that many witnesses have told us that Confucius Institutes are a front for espionage. You have told us that at least the Confucius Institute at Carleton is not, but you have also been unwilling to contradict the party line on any issues in response to my questions about human rights abuses or the Dalai Lama. This makes me wonder if your employment status would be at risk if you criticized the Chinese government, so I want to put this to the test here.
Mr. Li, based on your bio, you were living in China during the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989. The Chinese Red Cross estimates that over 2,500 peacefully protesting students were shot in cold blood. As someone who today works with students at a university, do you believe these figures are accurate, and do you think the Chinese State was wrong to sanction opening fire on peaceful protestors?