I think it's a more generalized practice within the Five Eyes and within NATO countries in general.
I honestly agree with Ms. Ong's view that we need to have as many exchanges with the Chinese as we can possibly generate. However, I think that there are some sectors of activity—I happened to pick 10 or 12, but I don't remember the exact number—where I think that our national security, and the national security of our allies, is put at risk if we have exchanges.
No matter how well intentioned a university professor or team might be in Canada, if they receive a Chinese grant, whatever he or she discovers is going to go back to China. On most items, if you think of the breadth of our economy, I think it's absolutely fine. Do I think it's fine in the area of high-level optics, nuclear affairs and a bunch of other areas like that? I think the risk is too great.
If you accept my basic premise that China is indeed an adversary, I don't think we should be making it easy for them to acquire intelligence in areas that are pretty critical to the national security of the west.