The findings of the survey, and I think they hold true generally today, are that the vast majority, some 83%, are dual citizens. They're residents of Hong Kong and they are citizens of Canada. Of the many people I've met, there were a lot of families of people went to Canada in the late 1980s and the early 1990s when we were averaging, for some years, around 25,000 or 30,000 immigrants from Kong Hong per year landing in Canada. Many of those people came back in the late 1990s, after 1997. They have families in Hong Kong. Their children are Canadian citizens. The lion's share of the community we have here would be precisely that, people who are dual citizens.
There's been a small but growing share over the years of people who are originally from mainland China who became Canadians and who have made their way to Hong Kong. Then, probably less than 10% are Canadians who do not hold either Hong Kong or China—